Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as a CNC bender operator and you would like to develop professionally in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for CNC bender operators, for Dutch companies s...
Vei beneficia de: un salariu de 16,65 EUR brut / oră + 26,40 EUR net/zi lucrată (160 ore lucrate) ; cazare asigurată și plătită de firma angajatoare, inclusiv cheltuielile de întreținere; contract de muncă încheiat direct cu angajatorul austriac; contract de mediere transparent cu Silverhand, confor...
Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as a painter/blaster and you would like to develop professionally in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for painters/blasters, for Dutch companies sp...
Vei beneficia de: un salariu de 16,00 EUR brut / oră + 30,00 EUR net diurnă/zi lucrată (160 ore lucrate); cazare asigurată și plătită de către firma angajatoare, inclusiv cheltuielile de întreținere; contract de muncă încheiat direct cu angajatorul german; contract de mediere transparent cu Silverha...
Vei beneficia de: un salariu de 16,00 EUR brut / oră + 8 EUR net diurnă/oră (160 ore lucrate); cazare asigurată contra cost de firma angajatoare; contract de muncă încheiat direct cu angajatorul german; contract de mediere transparent cu Silverhand, conform legii 156/2000, fără comision sau alte tax...
Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as a wood carpenter and you wish to professionally evolve in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for carpenters, for Dutch companies specialised in the cons...
Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as a CNC laser cutter operator and you would like to develop professionally in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for CNC laser cutter operators, for Dutch...
Vei beneficia de: un salariu de 275 NOK brut / oră ; cazare asigurată și plătită de firma angajatoare, inclusiv cheltuielile de întreținere; rambursarea costului biletelor de avion până în 3500 NOK/rotație; lucru în sistem de rotație - 2 săptămâni de lucru/3 săptămâni acasă; contract de muncă închei...
Vei beneficia de: un salariu de 17,00-21,00 EUR brut / oră ; tichete de masă în valoare de 5,50 EUR / zi lucrată; cazare asigurată contra cost de firma angajatoare; contract de muncă încheiat direct cu angajatorul belgian; contract de mediere transparent cu societatea Silverhand, conform legii 156...
Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as a concrete carpenter and you wish to professionally evolve in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for concrete carpenters, for Dutch companies specialise...